Monday, March 16, 2009


I am so excited about this!! Here is a photo of my first ever glass pendant!!! Do you like it? It's black glass with a pink/green/gold crystal (what the heck is that stuff called, I cant remember). So the photo is rather deceptive,the green is very subtle and you only get it in certain lights, the colour that is the most obvious is the pink. I've left that bottom photo bigger so you can click it and see what it really looks like. Also, there is a tiny bit of fire paper on the side of it that I havent removed properly (coz I dont remember how lol).

The next step is to have it slow fired in a kiln then I can glue on the pendant attachment and choose a necklace type for it. Traditionally I always give away the first I make of something. I think I'm going to give this one to my sister Louise.

Isnt it amazing that I made this from a square chunk of glass!?


Quaver said...

Wow, so awesome! I definitely wanna learn how to do that!

Leash said...

what a clever sausage!

that looks fun lol