Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cards of the last week

As of today, I've made 45 cards this year.

These first four were just quick notecard type cards. They are not intended for birthday cards as I didnt put that much effort into them.

I needed two baby girl cards for impending births so set that as my goal last night and came up with the two following cards. The ribbon on the edge is for me to tie the cards closed with a bow once they're written on.

Then I decided I might as well do a few more masculine baby cards since I had time left over and the design fresh in my head.

These were the disasterous cards I made last week when I went to Sheryl's and didnt take enough supplies with me. They are 'ok' but I feel like they need something else (especially the last card).


Quaver said...

I love the squirrel birdy ones

Heather said...

I think they're beavers lol.