Today I bought a card making magazine (Australian cardmaking, stamping and papercraft) and in it was a two page spread using a stamp set and paper set that I happened to own so I thought I'd copy some designs. What did I learn? That I can copy those designs reasonably accurately but I DONT LIKE THE END RESULT! None of the cards (except the very last photo) feel like 'me', it felt like I wasnt being true to myself because I was churning out designs that didnt match my style or personality. It was a good lesson for me...even if you're allowed to copy designs, dont. They're still useable I think but they'll end up at the bottom of the drawer unused until I get desperate or decide to throw them out or gift them to someone else to use.
CARD 1: I didnt have the correct ribbon colour (celery green) so I replaced it. I actually have the celery green on order but it hasnt arrived yet.

CARD 2: Again, missing celery ribbon (same colour as the ink in the flower). Despite copying the design, I wasnt happy with where the ribbon ended up and though I should have moved it higher and had it slightly different from theirs because of that.

CARD 3: Changed the background the white was on from celery to 'not quite navy'. Tried out a different ribbon and brads. Not sure if I like it (ribbon does match slightly better than in photo, I used the flash).

CARD 4: Was meant to have cut that whole top layer smaller so I had room on the green background to stamp a message.

CARDS 5 and 6: I liked these two. They are similar to what I might make on my own anyway. I struggled to get the ink to ink up on the stamp properly!